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You are not alone!

We are here to support you

It is important that you know the resources you can rely on. 

The Amor del Bueno Foundation puts at your disposal a list of resources closest to you in Mexico.

Listado de recursos de apoyo


Una organización con tres años de experiencia dedicada a la atención y prevención de la violencia hacia mujeres de habla hispana. A través de un enfoque interseccional y un cuidado colectivo, brindan apoyo integral en los ámbitos legal, psicológico, médico y comunitario, ayudando a víctimas directas o colaterales a recuperarse y empoderarse. Se enfoca en crear espacios seguros y solidarios, donde las mujeres puedan desarrollarse plenamente y luchar contra las violencias estructurales. Tienen diversos programas sociales con los cuales, promueven justicia social y transformación colectiva hacia una vida digna y libre de violencias.


Programas Principales


  • Comisión 123 por Nosotras (LINK DE ATENCIÓN)
    Un programa de emergencia que ofrece atención inmediata y multidisciplinaria a mujeres víctimas de violencia, con apoyo legal, médico y psicológico. Nuestro objetivo es mitigar las secuelas de la violencia, facilitando la recuperación y el acceso a la justicia.

  • La Voz de Todas (LINK PARA DIFUSIÓN) Este programa de activismo social ejerce presión en espacios digitales y físicos para visibilizar luchas por la justicia social, los derechos humanos y la igualdad. Nos enfocamos en crear entornos que dignifiquen y protejan estas luchas, impulsando acciones que promuevan un cambio transformador.

    Grupo de apoyo para madres víctimas de violencia vicaria. Ofrecemos acompañamiento psicológico, legal y comunitario, facilitando que las mujeres compartan experiencias, se fortalezcan mutuamente y adquieran herramientas para exigir justicia y prevenir nuevas violencias.


Contacto: â€‹


Emergency line: 415-170-6488 (24 hours)

  • Attention to women, girls, and adolescents. Services with extra cost*

  • Free legal advice for survivors of gender-based violence.

  • Temporary shelter for victims of violence.

  • Psychological care.

  • It offers programs for the prevention of physical, psychological, labor, political and obstetric violence against women and adolescents.

Las Libres, A.C.

Attention line: 473-731-0522

Las Libres is a feminist organization created to promote and defend the Human Rights of Women, demand the fulfillment and guarantee of all Rights for all women in the state of Guanajuato and throughout the country.


  • They build with women spaces for the experience of their rights, safe, pleasant, friendly and supportive spaces where each of the women who knows Las Libres feels the solidarity between women from the talk to the social mobilization to demand the advancement of Rights Women's Humans.

  • They generate favorable public opinion to advance the Human Rights of Women in the general population to generate social indignation that accompanies the complaint.

  • Citizen advocacy, media and government monitoring, legislative advocacy and research on the issues of abortion and femicide, especially as tools for the enforceability and justiciability of Women's Human Rights.

  • Comprehensive support for women victims of gender violence with an emphasis on emotional and psychological support and legal defense to build access to justice for women free of charge.

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Attention line: 075 (24 hours)
  • Care for women, girls and adolescents

  • Counseling, guidance and comprehensive monitoring services for women and their daughters in situations of violence.

  • Municipal Liaisons in the care processes for victims of gender violence.

  • They provide psychological and legal assistance.

  • Specialized care in femicide and digital violence.

  • Attention to individuals who generate violence 

  • It offers programs for the prevention of sexual harassment and gender violence to public transport operators.

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National Helpline: 800 422 5256

Emergency Line (24 hours): 075, 911


The National Institute for Women is the federal office that works for gender equality in Mexico, combating violence and discrimination against women.

Its main objective is the promotion and encouragement of equality between men and women, as well as guaranteeing respect for the rights of women and their equitable participation in the political, cultural, economic and social life of the country.

  • Support and promotion programs for the economic freedom of women in vulnerable situations.

  • National shelter network for victims of gender violence.

  • Supervision of Official Norms for labor equality and Non-Discrimination.

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