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A Foudraiser Event
Tras el Velo
A Red Carpert  Premier 
Teatro Santa Ana
October 14, 2023
From 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
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Come  and Enjoy !

Reception from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm.


Delight yourself with a tasting of delicious Panio canapés and enjoy a glass of wine. Have fun walking on our Red Carpet and take pictures with our movie director and cast.

From 5:30 P.M. a 6:45 P.M.


Enjoy the jazz quartet conducted by Victor Hugo Ramos Fonseca, Music Director of the Childrens and Youth Symphony Orchestra of San Miguel de Allende. Victor Hugo has participated in a number of international tours as well as domestically. Listen to the wonderful voice of soprano Gabriela Perales, who has more than 10 years of experience as a singer and has participated in different artistic and cultural events throughout Mexico.

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From 6:50 p.m. to 7:50 p.m.


We will step into the historic Santa Ana Theater where we will be screening ‘TRAS EL VELO’. You will meet the cast and director and screenwriter Brendon Milán-Howells, winner of the ‘Spark Award’ of the AAHSFF film festival for best social impact short film. In 2020, he also won the ‘Award Unsung Hero’ presented by the 'San Francisco 49es' for his work in the short film ‘Amor del Bueno’, which has contributed to the education of more than 1.4 million young people across the U.S. and after which our foundation is named.

Finally, you will be able to participate in the Director’s panel discussion with the main cast of ‘TRAS EL VELO’. Also, the AMOR DEL BUENO team will tell you about their critical work.

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Who are we?

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​​In Mexico 11 women are murdered daily by their sentimental partner.
​The Amor del Bueno Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about violence in romantic relationships, with the mission of reducing the alarming rates of femicide in Mexico and promoting healthy behaviors in our own relationships.
How do we do it?

We present young people with impactful audiovisual content that encourages the start of open and honest conversations. Through our workshops, we offer a framework of help and visibility to the student community about the signs of healthy and toxic relationships. TRAS EL VELO will be part of our educational material, being our first short film made in Mexico entirely with a Mexican cast.

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Why is your support so crucial?

We are stronger thanks to collective actions, and we appreciate you joining our efforts to eradicate gender violence in Mexico.


Currently, Amor del Bueno Fundación is financially supported only by our Co-Founder Olga Milán-Howells, however, due to our success and growth, it is difficult to financially maintain ourselves and expand our
important and necessary mission. With YOUR SUPPORT we can:

  • Bring more workshops to Mexican youth.

  •  Create sufficient educational resources that are culturally relevant to reach the most vulnerable population.

  • Expand our programs to more states in Mexico.

Donation $650 MXN

Get your ticket here

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