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6 Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health During a Breakup

Berenice Valenzuela

We know that breakups can be difficult, whether you ended things mutually or not, and they can be especially complicated when coming from an unhealthy relationship.

It's normal to feel like your life loses meaning or that you've lost some control over your emotions and feelings during those times. That's why we want you to know that it's important to give yourself a lot of self-love during those moments. Here are 6 tips to take care of yourself during a breakup.

"Eternal Sunshine, 2004"

1.- Establish physical and emotional boundaries with your ex

It is very important to be clear about how often you want to communicate with and see your ex, if you decide to do so. These boundaries are necessary even if the breakup was amicable; temporarily muting their social media can be helpful to give yourself space and process the breakup without constant reminders.

If the breakup was toxic, focus on setting concrete physical and virtual boundaries with minimal contact. In extreme cases, a restraining order may be necessary for your safety.

2.- Allow yourself to feel everything you are feeling

There is no right or wrong way to feel after a breakup, and everyone has their own pace for getting through it. It's normal to miss your ex on some days, even if the relationship was unhealthy. Positive memories tend to come up more easily than negative ones. Writing in a journal about the relationship, both the good and the bad, can help you put things into perspective.

3.- Gather your support system "Her, 2013"

Make a list of trusted people and allow yourself to be vulnerable with them. This can include family members, close friends, and even your pets. Sometimes, people don’t know how to help you, so communicate what you need from them. If you don’t get the support you need, look for a local or virtual support group to connect with others who have gone through similar experiences.

4.- Maintain your routine and take care of your physical health

Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising are key to staying in good shape both physically and emotionally. Exercise can help you release tension and boost your endorphins. It doesn’t have to be intense; stretching, gentle yoga, or outdoor walks can be very effective. You can also try other self-care activities like walking in nature, listening to relaxing music, or getting massages.

5.- Rebuild your self-confidence

It's normal to feel lonely after a breakup, and you might feel like you've lost some of your independence. If your self-esteem is low, especially if your ex put you down, it's important to reconnect with yourself. Fill your free time with activities you've always wanted to do. Take a class, learn something new, or reconnect with friends you haven't seen in a while.

"500 days of summer, 2009"

Remember, learning to love yourself is a lifelong journey! Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself for any mistakes.

6.- Seek professional help if you need additional support

Consider talking to a therapist or psychologist if you feel you need more support. This can be very helpful if the relationship ended in a volatile manner, if you find yourself constantly thinking about how it ended, or if you have self-critical thoughts. If you suffer from severe anxiety, flashbacks, or nightmares, you might be experiencing PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). It's important to seek help to start feeling safe again.

Healing from a breakup takes time, but it's important to fully process it before starting a new relationship. If you're struggling with your mental health after a breakup, remember that you're not alone and you won't always feel this way.

Try these tips and don't hesitate to seek professional help if you need it.



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